
Description: Iris was actually the first Cosmos chain beating the ATOM chain by about 18 days but has not had the activity that the ATOM Hub has. Iris has had some innovations and integrations as well such as a platform called Coinswap that connects multiple chains for trading and earning such as BNB, ETH, DOT, ADA. Iris also has Uptick a user-friendly NFT platform. Iris does seek to help be its own Hub similar to ATOM and facilitate both modern businesses and onboarding legacy businesses. The Iris hub has a lot of community funds to be tapped into with what appears to be around 10% of the circulating supply of tokens being in the community pool, ~23% in the foundation's pool, and ~4% in the developer fund making them potentially more centralized then ATOM. Iris while they are building out many tools the focus remains on business services and infrastructure.

